Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Black Dot Cafe

The Black Dot Cafe in West Oakland, CA is going to be a cafe and cultural center. It will hopefully be an anchor for the African-American community there in a recent wave of gentrification. Located in the new Woodside Zoning Area, the cafe includes sitting and performance spaces.

fDC is helping draft the permit documents to have this space go from a studio apartment to a cafe. We've taken as-built measurements, documented new appliances and fixtures and, along with EcoCity Builders, conferenced with the Health Inspector.

This cafe is the much beloved project of Marcel Diallo. Read more about Marcel and his work here.


  1. Oh this is exciting!!! When is it slated to open?

  2. Looks intrigueing (sp?).

  3. Hey Sarah - is this the mechanism to use when one wants notice? Next trip take me to the cafe when were up in the area.

    Take care...........Papa Joe
