Sunday, July 19, 2009

project 1: Glide Memorial

Our first client meeting with the Glide staff went well. We met with the facility director and the health services director, key players in outlining the program we will need to address. We got answers to some essential programming questions and fielded our new style of personal questioning, designed by Ronak.

Glide Memorial Church

Terry, the facility director, was able to show us the original architectural drawings from the 1930’s construction of Glide Memorial Church. The blueprints were printed on canvas and although the sheets seemed fit to last for another hundred years the white lines were faded and hard to read in some areas. It was a wonderful experience getting to handle these old blueprints and they shed light on some important structural considerations for the design.

Since all of us work during the day, we brought some incentives for the Glide staff and ourselves in the form of delicious coffee cheesecake from Joanne! She was modest about her cooking skills, but the cheesecake was yummy.


Thanks to Ray Viotti at PPV & Associates for lending us his laser measurer.